Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Runaway King

"I had arrived early for my own assassination" begins the sequel to one of my favourite books "The False Prince" by Jennifer A. Nielsen. What a wonderful first sentence!

  "The Runaway King" begins with the above quote that demonstrates the daily challenges for Jaron  now that he is king; assassination attempts, bickering advisors, threats of war......This might be overwhelming for any other 14 year old king but Jaron  has already had to deal with the death of his family and outsmarting an evil courtier so he does what he has to do - he runs.

Only when Jaron runs he is not running away but running to....more danger. He tracks down the very threat to his kingdom and his life. Once again Jaron is playing a part that is half lie and half truth and the two are always intermingled.

"Above all else I think you are a compulsive liar.
My laughter was tense, but sincere. Hardly. In fact, I consider myself to be a compulsive truth teller. It's only that everyone else seems compelled to misunderstand me."

An exciting, wonderfully written story and an entertaining yet caring character of the highest moral integrity combine to make this a new favourite. Like The False Prince I will read this again and again.

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