Sunday, May 26, 2013

After Ever After

I finished "After Ever After" by Jordan Sonnenblick late this morning with tears rolling down my face. Such an emotional ride..... for a book that made me laugh throughout!

It was not the subject that was funny....after all there is nothing funny about a young Eighth grade boy who is a cancer survivor. But it was the way Jeffrey thinks and talks and tries to deal with his feelings about his family, especially his adored older brother who has abandoned him for the wilds of Africa, his best friend Tad, another "cancer kid", and this new girl Lyndsay, who unbelievably seems to like him handicaps, both physical (a limp) and mental (thinking and memory deficits) and all!

It seems like Jeffrey's school district has decided to fail any student who does not pass State wide exams. This is a huge problem for Jeff who has serious attention and memory problems because of the chemo he has taken. Tad has decided it is up to him to tutor Jeffrey so he will pass, a seemingly impossible feat, but in return Jeff is going to help Tad gain the strength to walk again at their graduation after being in a wheel chair for years. Whew .... Are we having fun yet?

Through this all are two kids trying to have a normal life but always with the threat of "what if".

I think this is a new favourite of mine

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