And now for something completely different!
Okay, I admit it... I liked it! What am I referring to? "Big Nate: In a Class by Himself" by Lincoln Peirce. I also have to admit I have never read any of the Wimpy Kids books so I am not really sure how this compares but I think it is very similar in style and audience. You can see Jeff Kinney's recommendation on the cover.
Cartoons generously illustrate the events and while the plot is not earth shattering it is almost plausible! I mean have you ever had a fortune cookie that tells you that today you will "surpass all others' and been very excited? That's what happens to Nate and he looks for opportunities everywhere... the only problem is that he keeps getting pink detention slips when things don't work out to plan. I found myself chuckling through much of the book and know I have many students I can recommend this book to!
You will have to read to see if the fortune comes true!
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