Can George get any more famous? Well after reading this book if you didn't already have a crush on him, you will now.
Susin Nielsen is the author of "Word Nerd" and now "Dear George Clooney - Please Marry my Mom". Both are funny laugh out-loud type of books. I did take a bit of a gulp with some of the happenings and how extreme they were. I mean who really would allow their two year old half- sisters to eat cat poop just because you are mad at your dad?
But seriously Violet's dad left their mom and headed to Los Angeles to marry a young and blonde actress. Now they have these adorable twins and that makes Violet and her younger sister Rosie, living with their mother in a delapitated house near Main Street in Vancouver, feel left out and neglected. Violet acts out because of it all and it doesn't help that her mother is now dating a new man with the name Dudley Weiner. I think that about says it all!
But George does save the day... it is George isn't it?
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