Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Smile and the World Smiles With You!

While taking a very short break from my Book Fair yesterday I browsed through the tables and picked up "Smile" by Raina Telgemeier. It is a graphic novel and normally I would put it right back down. But I began reading and kept reading and kept reading. I liked it - I really liked it!

This story is about a girl named.... Raina... who, at the age of 12, falls and damages her two front teeth very severely. Over the next few years she has numerous surgeries, braces, false teeth, headgear and this story chronicles beautifully all that anguish with teenage drama.

But it also highlights family, boys, fashion mishaps, school anxiety, and relationships, both good and bad. It's a winner and I bought it on the spot. (It's now sold out of the Fair!)

What are you reading today?


Unknown said...

I also read this book with some reluctance, not being a fan of graphic novels...or so I thought! I couldn't put it down, and now I'm eagerly awaiting the next installment.

JelliBelliMeloni said...

I love this book. I didn't finish this, but I would totally love to. I was near the finish, but then suddenly, we had to put our stuff away. I'm looking forward to finishing!