First up "The Underneath" by K. Appelt. This was even a Newberry Honor book and I saw it on another Teacher-Librarians list and it was a "must have" at Vancouver Kidsbooks. With great anticipation I began this book about a group of kittens, their mother and a bloodhound who live underneath the house of a sadistic man to escape his abuse. Also brought into the equation is a snake imprisoned for a thousand years in a jar. Enough said. While I recognize the beauty of the language, some images were too vivid, events too disturbing for me with the storyline distracting as it jumps around. I skipped through to know the ending but could not dwell on the passages in between.

Another I thought was too..... was "The Unknowns; A Mystery" by Benedict Carey. Geometry was the key to solving the mystery of the disappearing people on this tiny island that housed a power plant. While solving mathematical equations is interesting there was not enough action to keep me going. I limped to the finish just because I wanted to find out the end but even that was not as satifying as I thought it could be.

What are you reading today?
Thanks for letting me know you are reading "The 39 Clues" - It is hugely popular in my school and I have read part of the first book and would like to get back to the series - maybe this summer! Is the story good or just all the cards and gimmicks?
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