"Every Soul a Star" by Wendy Mass is a wonderful book about 3 very different teens who come together during a very unusual and rare experience, a solar eclipse. Ally has spent her whole life in Moon Shadow Campground, in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of America where her parents have been preparing for years for hundreds and hundreds of visitors to view this spectacular event . She and her brother have been home schooled but she loves her life full of astronomy and family and the simple things around her. This is in complete contrast to Bree, a beautiful girl whose whole focus in life is looking great and has a goal of being a model. Her scientist parents are making the trek to the campground but with more in mind than just seeing the eclipse - they are planning on staying for 3 years while Ally's parents are planning on moving back to the city so the kids have a more normal experience. You can easily imagine how both girls are devastated. Thrown into this mix is Jack, a teen who hates his life; friend problems, weight problems and school problems have come together to enlist him help his science teacher lead an expedition to this event. This story is told in the teen's 3 voices in alternating chapters where you get to hear their thoughts, dreams and realizations in a very real way. If you liked "Stargirl" by Jerry Spinelli I know you will like this one.
What are you reading today?
Oh! Would you recommend this book for me? I'm running out of books to read, since I just finished Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli (I found it very sad at the end; I even started crying!) still reading Catching Fire (I plan to finish it tonight?), plan on reading Love, Stargirl and planning to plan on reading Pretties, in the Uglies series.
And I'm planning on planning to plan to read the Once Upon a Prom series.
Would you recommend this book to me?
~ Lilian
Hi Lilian, I would recommend this book. I too love "Stargirl" and agree about the ending. I thought "Love, Stargirl" was very good but it was a bit slower in getting going so stick with it. "Every Soul a Star" is also a book about feelings, fitting in, dreams and dealing with what life throws you. I do think you will like it! Let me know. Mrs. T.
And I have lots more ideas about what you can read - let me show you.
I think I will like Every Soul a Star very much. I liked Schooled and Zen and the Art of Faking it, and they both sort of go along the same story/plot, right? Are there any more books like that?
Also, have you read The Sorceress (the third in the Secrets of the Immortal Nichols Flamel series)? I've heard it was really good. I noticed that most of the Warrior Cats series (by Erin Hunter) was at Maple Grove! I'm so happy. I'm a huge fan of the series, and I'm planning on rereading the series. I'm anticipating the first book of the 4th series to come out!!!
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