I have decided to reread "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" now that the newest movie hits the theatres today and I do want to see it on the big screen. As I read the first chapter J.K. Rowling's words are creating vivid pictures in my head, my own Harry Potter movie is playing through my mind. The words that describes Snape's house are descriptive, clear and concise and I know my vision and the movies will be similar because of this.
But I did read 3 more books for the YR and actually really enjoyed them. All are the first books of series. Kids today love series and will demand that we have them all in the Library.

"Ivy and Bean" by Annie Barrows is about 2 young girls who are very different. They live on the same street, ignoring each other, till trouble brews and one helps the other then off they go, best friends forever! Well written, exciting and 4 more books follow.

Another series about young girls is "Sisters 8" by Lauren Baratz - Logstad. The first book is called "Annie's Adventures" and it sets the scene about 8 octuplets; 8 girls born 8 minutes apart on the 8th of August (the 8th month) almost 8 years ago. It is New Year's Eve and their parents head out of the room to do some chores and never return. The girls decide to pretend their parents are still there while they solve the mystery of where they are. Notes appear that instruct the girls to each find a power and a gift. Hilarious results as the girls try to feed themselves, look after themselves, even drive themselves and solve all sorts of problems. Entertaining and fun and guess how many books in this series?

And one for everyone is a series called "Melvin Beederman - Superhero" with the first book titled "The Curse of the Bologna Sandwich". Another easy yet entertaining book about a superhero who's a pretty good superhero even though it takes him five or six tries to get up and flying. He is sent off to Los Angeles to do his good deeds but he does have one weakness and of course disaster follows when his cape goes to the dry cleaners! Lots of good fun to read... so read away.
What are you reading today?
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