Of course here is one you have all been waiting for.. the latest by Rick Riordan who wrote the "Percy Jackson and the Olympian " series. While the first series was interwoven with the Greek gods and myths this new one, "The Kane Chronicles," is full of the ancient Egyptian gods and myths. So much so that I know a ton about ancient Egypt without even realizing it. I can recite the facts easily that Geb and Nut gave birth to 5 children on the last 5 days of the year - and these children were the gods Osiris, Isis, Horus, Set and Nephthys. All of them, who were husbands and wives, brothers and sisters, father and son, loved each other or hated each other, and always tried to best each other.
The main characters in "The Red Pyramid" are Carter Kane and his sister Sadie, children of a famous Egyptologist, who brings them to the British Museum to "make things right". Disaster occurs and their father disappears in a fiery explosion after a mysterious figure is summoned from the Rosetta Stone. It is their quest to find and save their father however they are now the object of the dangerous and evil god, Set. They have their supporters who help them, like Bast and in the process learn some amazing things about themselves. Could it be true that they are godlings themselves?
This book is full of action - think Indiana Jones! And it is truly intriguing how Riordan has created a modern adventure using so many facts and figures from ancient times. I thoroughly enjoyed the ride.... and think you will too. And I know you will learn so much in the process!
What are you reading today?